Tuesday, May 5, 2009

so summer begins... at least for me!

I'm finally finished with all my finals and now I can just kick back and chillax. Well at least for now. I still have to unpack some stuff since I'm back at home and not in the dorm. Ontop, of that since my college is so fricken expensive, I have to file for FAFSA soon ugh... I dread doing that thing EVERY SUMMER but oh well. And to top that off with a nice cherry ontop I have to find a job so I can make so money for next school year since I'll be living in an apartment this time around holla holla!
Besides being a little stress even after finals are over, I took my last one today which was chemistry. I did my best and yes I could've studied a little more but lets hope that luck is on my side so that I can at least pass. I seriously do not want to take that dang class over again I just want to move on uggh. I seriously don't know why I'm a bio major sometimes but I need to step my game up next semester because I'm getting all C's on my major courses and that's not good. Ontop of that I'm suppose to be Asian, I guess I definitely didn't get the math and science gene :[
So as you guys can see I changed my layout because I felt like it was too bland and I needed to kick it up a notch so I choose this cute simple floraly layout that I like :] But yeah that's it for now, I might try to do a beauty related post once I can but most likely this week is still going to be somewhat busy since I have to unpack and all. 

Anyways, thanks for stopping by!

-- Tina